Artist Housing is closely monitoring and actively addressing the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in real time. We will be updating this page as the situation evolves. Please check back. Continue reading for details on Artist Housing updates in operations as well as the preventative measures we have implemented. If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report a COVID-19 case, please reach out to our COVID-19 response team at [email protected]. We have reopened Artist Housing to potential new tenants for tours, but now offer virtual tours as well. We will also take precautions before letting anyone new into the building. All non resident guests are required to use hand sanitizer and wear a mask when entering Artist Housing. Please review the latest government guidance for a listing of essential business categories. Our curfew has been lifted, access hours are now 24 / 7,
Our priority is to promote a healthy living environment that enables our tenants and staff to feel safe while returning to normalcy in living. A summary of safety protocols, communications, and facilities updates are below. Please read closely in preparation for your arrival. We are thrilled to be welcoming new tenants, but remember that personal responsibility is the community's frontline of defense. Please be safe and follow all guidelines!
Updated information can be found on your location channel on your Tenant Cloud Account or on this page.
We encourage the use of the Tenant Cloud digital network for tenant questions, rather than physical visits to the office.
Please contact us if you are a member and do not yet have access to Tenant Cloud.
COVID-19 Precautions
Non-medical face covering required in open areas at all times for non tenants and guests.
Hand sanitizer stations will be provided throughout the space for use upon entry.
Guests are allowed only in communal areas or in booked conference rooms.
Communal Rooms and Studio Space requested to be at 50% occupancy.
Facility Updates
Staff will disinfect most commonly touched surfaces.
HVAC virus-reducing filters installed.
Signage and marked boundaries for physical distancing added.
No more than 2 people at a time in a restroom (maintain 6’ distance in entryway while waiting).
Suggest cleaning of any shared mugs, dishes & utensils before any use whatsoever.
Wellness Management
We encourage all tenants to monitor their temperature and wellbeing daily and to notify the office via Tenant Cloud if you are running a fever. Please inform us immediately if anyone is having or has had COVID-19 like symptoms.
We will immediately inform our community if our staff or a tenant reports COVID-19 symptoms (identities kept confidential).
All protocols are subject to immediate change in this evolving pandemic. We appreciate your patience and community during this time, and look forward to safely welcoming you to Artist Housing. Cleaning and Safety
While locations have been quarantined, they have undergone a thorough deep clean, as best as possible in accordance with CDC recommendations.
Artist Housing continues to take extra care to sanitize railings, doorknobs, handles, elevator buttons, restroom surfaces, counters, and tabletops at all open locations.
Artist Housing encourages all persons to familiarize themselves with recommendations of the CDC for preventing the spread of illness.
We advise everyone to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and to use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not immediately available. As per the recommendations of the CDC, please also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the transmission and spread of the virus.
We ask that Artist Housing employees, guests, and members to inform us immediately if they have been directly or indirectly exposed to anyone with COVID-19, so we can continue to protect the community with the most up to date information. If you have a COVID-19 case report, please reach out to our COVID-19 response team at [email protected].
If you need any assistance in finding a free COVID-19 test near by, please visit Curative to schedule an appointment. We suggest all tenants and guests get a test, why not, its free!
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].